
Peer-reviewed Publications

Saraiva, J. (2024). Exogenous regional productivity asymmetries in a core-periphery model. Journal of Dynamics and Games, forthcoming

Invited Presentations

"On the disentanglement of an economic union", with José M. Gaspar and Kiyohiro Ikeda, CEF.UP - WiP Seminar, Porto, 23 February 2024

Contributed Presentations

"Exogenous regional productivity asymmetries in a core-periphery model", with João Correia-da-Silva, Porto Workshop on Economic Theory and Applications - in honor of Carlos Hervés-Beloso, Porto, 27 October 2023

"On endogenous education and agglomeration dynamics", with João Correia-da-Silva, Sofia B. S. D. Castro and Liliana Garrido-da-Silva, 2nd NorthernSeam - Northern Seminar Day in Economics and Management, Porto, 14 July 2023

"On regional productivity asymmetries and agglomeration", with João Correia-da-Silva and Sofia B. S. D. Castro, 16th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal, Braga, 8 July 2023

"On endogenous education and agglomeration dynamics", with João Correia-da-Silva and Sofia B. S. D. Castro, UECE 12th Lisbon Meetings in Game Theory and Applications, Lisbon, 1 June 2023

"On optimal education choices", with João Correia-da-Silva and Sofia B. S. D. Castro, CIPES 1st PhD Student Workshop, Matosinhos, 10 February 2023

"On the disentanglement of an economic union", with José M. Gaspar, 11th European Meeting of the Urban Economics Association, London, 30 April 2022

"On the disentanglement of an economic union", with José M. Gaspar, 4th International Workshop "Market Studies and Spatial Economics", Brussels, 5 April 2022 (online)

"The Agglomerative Force of Education", with João Correia-da-Silva and Sofia B. S. D. Castro, CEF.UP - WiP Webinar, Porto,  26 February 2021 (online)

Working Papers

Saraiva, J. (2019). A fraude no Futebol: Viciação de Resultados. O caso da Liga Portuguesa entre 2013 e 2018. OBEGEF Working Paper 61#. Porto: Edições Húmus & OBEGEF

Saraiva, J. (2018). A fraude no Futebol: Viciação de Resultados. O caso Calciocaos. OBEGEF Working Paper 59#. Porto: Edições Húmus & OBEGEF

Work in Progress

"On the disentanglement of an economic union", with José M. Gaspar and Kiyohiro Ikeda

"Investment in education in a core-periphery model", with João Correia-da-Silva and Sofia B. S. D. Castro

"On endogenous education and agglomeration dynamics", with João Correia-da-Silva, Sofia B. S. D. Castro and Liliana Garrido-da-Silva

"Food Banks donations: a socioeconomic analysis", with José Verónico

"Phases of Capitalist Development: Economic trends and phases since 1970", with Natalia I. Doré